100% tries to make its Peter Sagan collab shades as unique as he is - Electric Vehicles For India
Electric Vehicles For India Electric Bikes 100% tries to make its Peter Sagan collab shades as unique as he is

100% tries to make its Peter Sagan collab shades as unique as he is


This just in: Peter Sagan is unique. In this video cut alone, he draws a banana in a western-style duel, rides a bike while it’s strapped into a roof rack, and participates in the following interview.

Reporter: “Peter, the moment you went wide in that curve, was that the moment you lost?”
Sagan: “Nnnno.”
Sagan: (Smiles.)

With media chops like that, it only makes sense that any Sagan-inspired gear should play by its own rules. That’s exactly what 100%’s new sunglass collection does, with a loud take on tie-dye it says “represents Peter’s colorful journey.”

peter sagan 100%

The Peter Sagan LE S3

100% says it accomplished the design by “wildly” altering, then finely tuning Sagan’s Team TotalEnergies colors. The result seeks to embody his eccentric personality and unconventional riding style.

“I feel like this is one of my most creative executions to date with 100%,” Sagan said. “Personally, working with the brand’s Co-Founders Marc and Ludo to create something unique year after year is always something I look forward to.”

It gets better. “They continue to empower me to express my personality in creating products that connect with my soul. The bond we have forged is unbreakable, and I look forward to continuing down this path with a true partner,” Sagan explained.

peter sagan 100%

The Peter Sagan LE Speedcraft

100% sprays the 2022 Sagan Limited Edition Collection colors over a range of designs. The S3, S2, and Speedcraft all seek to satisfy different riding conditions. If you’re racing to a high spec, you might find the S3’s wide peripheral field and tight fit to your liking. The lower-profile S2 can support everyday rides and general use, and the Speedcraft seeks to increase visibility and protection for gnarly race conditions.

peter sagan 100%

The Peter Sagan LE S2

Each Sagan LE Collection entry comes with a matching patterned pouch. All three styles will run you $200 MSRP.



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