Electric Vehicles For India Electric Cars Charged EVs | Heraeus’s new copper ribbon for battery terminal laser bonding

Charged EVs | Heraeus’s new copper ribbon for battery terminal laser bonding


Heraeus Electronics has introduced a new copper ribbon designed for high-current power devices and battery packages. The company says much of the equipment for ultrasonic wedge and wedge wire bonding can be adjusted to work with ribbons.

PowerCu Soft Laser Ribbons are intended for the laser bonding of bonding wire onto battery terminals and DCB substrates as well as the laser bonding of bonding wire onto copper terminals in power electronics modules. The PowerCu Soft Laser Ribbons permit module operation temperatures above 250 degrees Celsius.

According to the company, the rough surface on one side of the PowerCu Soft Laser Ribbons provides a more reliable coupling of the laser beam to the copper surface than standard copper bonding ribbons, and supplies “a residual-free, clean and homogenous surface.”

Source: Heraeus Electronics


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