Electric Vehicles For India Electric Cars Charged EVs | Today’s Webinar: Addressing challenges for EV battery technologies

Charged EVs | Today’s Webinar: Addressing challenges for EV battery technologies

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Amid the growing interest in battery electric vehicles, the industry still faces numerous challenges to gain wider adoption in the market. Join this session at our Fall Virtual Conference on EV Engineering, presented by Chroma, where we will address the battery-specific issues manufacturers are encountering today.

This free webinar has been rescheduled for today: Friday, October 21, at 1 PM EDT.

Reserve your spot—it’s free!

All Sessions Are Now Available On-Demand here.

Broadcast live October 17 – 20, 2022, the conference content spanned the EV engineering supply chain and ecosystem, including motor and power electronics design and manufacturing, cell development, battery systems, testing, powertrains, thermal management, circuit protection, wire and cable, EMI/EMC and more.


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